Intrapreneurialism has become the new professional skillset! This is hardly surprising because INTRAPRENEURS bring their enterprising mindset to work every day to find and solve problems and create value. At a time when organisations and businesses in ALL sectors are heeding the urgent call to adapt quickly to a disrupted world, INTRAPRENEURS have emerged as the driving force for change. Interestingly they are not necessarily in OFFICIAL leadership roles although they often ACT like leaders because they are catalysts for positive change and value creation within their organisation. In a post-covid world, they will be instrumental in helping to drive economic recovery. This makes them the MOST VALUABLE of all employees
Many progressive corporations are now asking their employees to be intrapreneurs and are even including it in their vision statements. For example:
- “We ask our employees to behave in an INTRAPRENEURIAL, non-bureaucratic and productive manner.” IBM.
- “We think, decide and behave in an INTRAPRENEURIAL way.” Union Bank of Switzerland.
- We ask our employees to be “ENTREPRENEURS”. Siemens.