Organisational Accreditation

Become an Accredited Intrapreneurial Organisation

Let the world know about your organisation’s bold commitment to intrapreneurs, innovation and creative problem-solving. Differentiate yourself as a future-ready organisation. Join the visionary, forward-thinking, dynamic companies that have found ways of unlocking the intrapreneurial talent of their people.  Become an AIO today!

The Intrapreneurial Organisation


The intrapreneurial organisation is the new model of workplace design that finds and liberates the talent within its ranks. This kind of organisation turns employees into intrapreneurs. Their culture, leadership and people development sets them apart as the organisation of the future. They have taken the bold move to place the employee at the centre by inviting talented people to live and work with purpose. As a result, intrapreneurs are attracted to this culture because they know that they will be able to make a valuable contribution. 

Let the world know that your organisation is at the forefront of the future of work.


Attract and retain top talent.

Increase employee engagement.

Elevate customer confidence.

Enhance your organisational reputation. Distinguish your brand in a noisy and crowded marketplace. 



How It Works

The journey to ACCREDITED INTRAPRENEURIAL ORGANISATION status depends on a number of factors such as your starting point, the size of your organisation and commitment to the process. For organisations that are already highly intrapreneurial accreditation can be awarded immediately. Other organisations may need workforce upskilling and culture development to achieve this outcome. 

Phase 1: Diagnostic and Set-Up

Organisations have different levels of readiness and appetite for intrapreneurialism. We begin with a detailed diagnostic and audit using GII’s unique proprietary AUSCR survey tool for benchmarking and preliminary data gathering.

The tool is based on the 5 dimensions of

Attitude. Understanding. Skill. Context. Results.

In the four categories of:

  1. Intrapreneurial Leadership: The extent to which the leaders across the organisation create the authorising environment for innovation and intrapreneurialism
  2. Systemic Creativity: The extent to which creative problem-solving is embedded in the workforce as a source of innovation
  3. Intrapreneurial Orientation: The level of commitment across the workforce to value creation, change and innovation
  4. Intrapreneurial systems: The extent to which the structures, channels and messaging of the organisation supports intrapreneurialism
  • Insight into which level the organisation is at in its readiness for intrapreneurialism
  • A detailed view about the culture of the organisation
  • Strengths and opportunities when it comes to intrapreneurialism.

A detailed data analysis, customised report, recommendations and graph identifying the level of organisational culture. This provides the benchmark for measuring progress.

Phase 2: Engaging Leaders at All Levels to Support Intrapreneurialism

Senior leaders are debriefed on the findings of the diagnostic and recommendations.

Managers and supervisors across the organisation are skilled up on how to take their teams on the intrapreneurial journey using the toolkit and resources provided.

Leadership support is a key factor in successful culture change.

Phase 3: Education and Skill Building

Organisations can select from a range of pathways and options for upskilling their workforce for intrapreneurialism such as:

  • Tailored workshops
  • Mentoring and coaching programs
  • On-line courses
  • The Professional Certificate of Intrapreneurialism.

This Phase can be implemented as a stand-alone service for organisations that want to upskill their workforce without applying for Accredited Intrapreneurial Organisation status. 


Phase 4: Change Making

People across the organisation progress intrapreneurial initiatives where they apply their learning to create value in different ways to unleash a wave of intrapreneurialism through:

  • Spotting opportunities for innovation
  • Solving problems creatively to exceed customer expectations
  • Identifying new revenue streams for the business
  • Digitising and automating outdated processes
  • Engaging with new and emerging technology to increase productivity
  • And many more
Phase 5: Evaluation and Awarding of Accredited Intrapreneurial Organisation Status

In this final Phase there are four components:

  1. Repeat AUSCR audit to track changes and compare to baseline data from Phase 1
  2. Debrief and report back to leaders.
  3. Awarding of Accredited Intrapreneurial Organisation Status
  4. Review of program and preparation for iteration.

Contact the team at the Global Intrapreneurs Institute to set up a call to discuss the suitability of your organisation for this program.